
Sincpac-C3D Ambient Text Features

The video below demonstrates some of the general features in the Sincpac-C3D.

The features shown in this video include several methods for changing the General Note and Line/Curve Label settings in the Object Layer settings, the automatic background mask and background mask toggle features, and the features for auto-rotating text entities to fit the view in modelspace.

Some of the tasks shown in this demonstration require the Drafting module of the Sincpac-C3D, although some may be performed in any of the three modules, and all tasks may be performed in any version of Civil 3D, 2008 and later.

Sincpac-C3D Dynamic Linking

The video below demonstrates how to use the Sincpac-C3D Dynamic Point Links to create a Point Table that contains a dynamic Station/Offset listing of the points.

The tasks illustrated in this demonstration require the Power Module of the Sincpac C3D.

Export Cogo Points to Google Earth (KMZ)

The video below illustrates the Export to KMZ functionality in the Sincpac-C3D.

This feature allows you to export Cogo Points to a KMZ file (a compressed KML file), which may be opened in Google Earth. During the export, you may select a mapping file, which maps your Civil 3D Point Markers to your own custom images, so you have a great amount of control over how your points appear in Google Earth.

The tasks shown in this demonstration require the Points module of the Sincpac-C3D, and may be performed in any version of Civil 3D, 2008 and later.

DisplayPoints - Editing Points

The video below illustrates how Cogo Points may be edited from within the DisplayPoints command. This includes the ability to edit point locations by changing the Station and/or Offset of the point, as measured along an Alignment.

The tasks illustrated in this demonstration require the Power Module of the Sincpac C3D.