Change Log

  • SincPacC3D 2020-2025 v4.2.8936, released June 19, 2024
    • New tool for surfaces to move BoundaryDefinitionOperations to the bottom of the Operations list…select a surface and there is a new rt. click Context menu or use the new command ShiftSurfaceBoundariesToBottom
    • Corrected many user reported issues.
    • Corrected more form display issues
  • SincPacC3D 2020-2025 v4.1.8869, re-released April 13, 2024 to correct issues with the Styles tools
    • Corrected many user reported issues.
    • New command SPSyncDrefPipeNetworkLayers
    • Added option to grip edit SectionViews
    • Added context menu to open Xref as Read-only (this was actually added in v3.38)
    • Dropped support for Civil 3D 2019, added suppot for Civil 3D 2025
    • Corrected more form display issues
  • SincPacC3D 2019-2024 v3.38.8756, Dec. 22, 2023
    • Corrected many user reported issues.
    • Fixed issue in v3.37 which caused background plotting to fail.
    • Corrected more form display issues
  • SincPacC3D 2019-2024 v3.37.8651, Sept. 8, 2023
    • Corrected many user reported issues.
    • Added option to EXTRACTMARKERS to change pointlabel style when also extracting the description
    • Added SPRESETPOINTS to reset point and pointlabel styles to <default> and remove any dragged states.
    • Added option to display PVI's locked by Sincpac Dynamic Links
    • Corrected more form display issues
  • SincPacC3D 2019-2024 v3.36.8495, April 5, 2023
    • SPSurveyPointsInPolygon tool to list and, optionally, insert Survey points within a defined polygon. This tool is available in the free product.
    • SPPGSort
    • CivilStyleProperties: added option to export to text file
    • StakeFeatures updated to use correct descriptions when non-tangent arcs are encountered
    • Hash Parcel: fixed issue where not all angle points were being found
    • PerpCheck: Fixed issue that was broken due to a Civil 3D API change
    • MarkerExtract: Added option to apply <none> style to point
    • Fixed issue with commands which add ProfileViews not adding Profile Labels
    • Updated FindReplaceInParcels/Points tools to use wildcards
    • Revamped SPPARCELINVERSE to use WPF controls
    • Added support for C3D 2024
    • Removed support for C3D 2018
  • SincPacC3D 2018-2023 v3.35.8369, Nov. 30, 2022
    • This release is for those using C3D 2023 with no updates, otherwise it is identical to the below v3-35
  • SincPacC3D 2018-2023 v3.35.8347, Nov. 8, 2022
    • Note! This release requires C3D 2023 Update 2 if running C3D 2023
    • Corrected many user reported issues.
    • Added Xref context menu to open Xref Read-only
    • Added alignment context menu to zoom to the first ProfileView for that alignment
    • Added SPRemoveEmptyPipeNetworks tool
    • Added SPFLTracker tool
    • Added SPPipeRun2PV tool
    • Added SPSyncDrefPipeNetworkLayers tool
  • SincPacC3D 2018-2023 v3.34.8138, April 13, 2022
    • Corrected many user reported issues.
    • Added support for C3D 2023
    • Added SPCivilStyleModifiedProps tool
    • Added new settings for SPStakePipes
  • SincPacC3D 2018-2022 v3.33.8022, December 18, 2021
    • Corrected many user reported issues.
    • Added SPExportPointsDisplay
    • Added SPImportPointsDisplay
    • Added SPCalcPipeSlope tool
    • Added new settings for SPAdjustPipeSlopes
  • SincPacC3D 2018-2022 v3.32.7917, September 5, 2021
    • Corrected some user reported issues.
    • Added SPDragPointLabels tool
    • Added SPSetLayoutLayer & SPRemoveLayoutLayer tools
    • Added SPWrapBlocks tool
  • SincPacC3D 2018-2022 v3.31.7783, April 23, 2021
    • Added support for C3D 2022
    • Corrected some user reported issues.
    • Added SPSetLayoutLayer tool
    • Added SPCirclePoints tool
    • Updated CAP and CAPFeature tools to work with closed plines
    • Activation code is now saved per User in the User section of the registry.
  • SincPacC3D 2018-2021 v3.30.7672, January 2, 2021
    • Better support for high resolution monitors
    • Corrected some user reported issues.
    • Added PSTopoStationLabeler tool
    • Added SPRibbonManager tool
    • Updated RotateAligned to work with 3dPolys
    • Fixed issue with SPCHECKINLICENSE so this should now work as expected
  • SincPacC3D 2018-2021 v3.29.7545, August 28, 2020
    • Added support for high resolution monitors
    • Corrected many user reported issues.
    • Added SPLayerSwitch tool
    • Added SPLabelMaskOff & SPLabelMaskOn tools
    • AddedSPSetMidPointsBetweenPolys tool
    • Added SPSampleLinesAtPoints tool
  • SincPacC3D 2017-2021 v3.28.7416, April 21, 2020
    • Added support for C3D 2021
    • Corrected some user reported issues.
    • Corrected the issue with PipeElevationEditor introduced in v3.27
    • Updated EntityTracker to display line/curve data for associated labels. (Not working with Xref linework right now.)
  • SincPacC3D 2017-2020 v3.27.7381, March 17, 2020
  • NOTICE: v3.27 has a bug in the PipeElevationEditor tool! It may be used once per session, but subsequent uses will crash C3D.
    • Updated PointCompare to allow display of UDPs and re-order columns.
    • Corrected many user reported issues.
    • Added DisplayPointsAlongAlignments command.
    • Updated form to display PointGroups to allow sorting by Alpha or PGDisplay order.
    • AddPipesByPoints now uses CogoPoints instead of random pick points.
  • SincPacC3D 2017-2020 v3.26.7223, October 11, 2019
    • This is a re-release of v3.26 to correct display issues with some dialogs.
    • Corrected more user reported issues.
    • Added SPVCTable command.
    • Updated the SewerLateralLinker to provide additional connection points.
  • SincPacC3D 2016-2020 v3.25.7043, April 14, 2019
    • Corrected more user reported issues.
    • Added support for C3D 2020
    • Updated the Purge Styles tool so the filter mechanism now works correctly.
    • Added support for vertical curves in the PolylineToProfile tool.
  • SincPacC3D 2016-2019 v3.24.6970, January 31, 2019
    • This is an updated release of v3.24 to correct some defects found in the PipeElevationEditor.
    • Added new DROPGEOMWARN SystemVariable and a warning popup when the DROPGEOM command is activated by drag/drop objects.
    • Corrected more user reported issues.
    • New SPStakePipes command for setting CogoPoints along Gravity Pipe Networks.
    • New SPRaiseLowerPipes command for mass rasie/lower of pipes.
    • New SPRemoveProfileViewPart command for selectively removing Pipes/Structures from a ProfileView. Only works in C3D 2019 or newer!
    • New SPAdd3PtArcLabel command for labeling partial arcs.
    • Updated the SPAdjustPipeSlopes to work in profiles and also can specify to go downstream or upstream.
  • SincPacC3D 2016-2019 v3.23.6830, Sept. 13, 2018
    • Corrected more user reported issues.
    • New SPExplodeFL command provides more control to explode Featurelines.
    • New SPPipes2Polys command for extracting 2d or 3d polines from gravity network pipes.
    • New PGReset tool for resetting the Include/Exclude parameters in PointGroups.
  • SincPacC3D 2016-2019 v3.22.6617, April 21, 2018
    • Corrected more user reported issues.
    • New Vertical Curve Calculator/Report tool.
    • Added support for C3D 2019.
  • SincPacC3D 2015-2018 v3.21.6617, February 12, 2018
    • Corrected more user reported issues.
    • Modified the StakeFeatures tool settings to always allow arc midpoints to be set.
    • Added option to to add arc 1/4 points when the midpoint is also being set in the StakeFeatures tool.
    • Added option to place points used for averaging into a PointGroup in the PointAverage tool.
    • Revised adding stations in the DisplayAlignProf report to allow multiple picks, as well as picking in plan or profile.
    • Fixed issue when rt.clicking a TIN Surface through a paperspace viewport would leave you in paperspace.
    • Fixed issue in the DisplayPoints tool when UDP's were not displaying Lat/Long values correctly and the Coordinate precisions were not correct per the drawing Settings.
  • SincPacC3D 2015-2018 v3.20.6456, September 4, 2017
    • Corrected more user reported issues.
    • Added SPPipesRenamer and SPPointElevationsFromSurfaces commands.
    • Added option to use 2D or 3D distance limit for PointsCompare tool.
    • Added Pipe sizes to PipeDepthReport.
    • Revised our Activation algorythm so Windows Updates will no longer break the Activation code for the Sincpac. A Fresh Activation will need to be performed with this version installed.
  • SincPacC3D 2014-2018 v3.19.6327, April 28, 2017
    • Corrected more user reported issues.
    • Added support for C3D 2018.
    • Added option to add Project names to the Display points output.
    • Added command to select Line and Curve Tag labels prior to creating tables.
  • SincPacC3D 2014-2017 v3.18.6273, March 5, 2017
    • Corrected a number of user reported issues.
    • Added new commands to Export, Import, or Copy Surface Analyses.
    • Added command to export CogoPoints to ESRI SHP files.
    • SPDrawFeatureline, mimics the base C3D DrawFeatureline but uses command line only. This allows it to be used in button macros on Toolbars, Palettes, or Ribbons.
    • Added command to Create Featurelines from Survey Figures.
    • Modified Point selection options for most commands that edit points to be more consistent with the Base C3D selection prompt/options: All/Group/Number/Selection
    • Updated the ImportTrimbleDescriptionKeys to fix issues based on new FXL files submitted by users.
    • Revised the SSMRenumber to give more options for Subsets.
    • Fixed QuickDaylight issues of sawtooth effect and offsetting to wrong side.
    • StakeFeatures, linestake: Added options for including the number and description of the point being offset
  • SincPacC3D 2014-2017 v3.17.6122, October 5, 2016
    • Corrected a number of user reported issues.
    • Modified SPAddLabels to include Pipes (Plan & Profile) and Structures (Plan only) as objects to label.
    • Added ability to include attributes when extracting point symbols when parent block has attributes...the default value is used for the attribute.
    • Corrected issue of NextPointNumber not being set correctly.
  • SincPacC3D 2014-2017 v3.16.5951, April 17, 2016
    • Corrected a number of user reported issues, including the Perp2D ObjectSnap override, again.
    • Modified KMZExport to incude Point UDP's, DisplayPoints now allows the Point UDP's to be edited.
    • Added PGExport & PGImport to transfer PointGroup definitions between drawings.
    • Added CopyPoints to copy points utilizing the NextPointNumber option instead of throwing up the Duplicate Point Number warning dialog.
    • Added AssociateSurveyWorkingFolder and DisAssociateSurveyWorkingFolder commands to automate the switching of the Survey working folder when drawing becomes current.
  • SincPacC3D 2013-2016 v3.15.5851, January 8, 2016
    • Corrected a number of user reported issues, including the Perp2D ObjectSnap override, PtInverse, and CivilStyleProperties now gets additional styles that had been skipped. Modified some user interfaces.
    • Added PackPoints command
    • Added PtElevateFromText command
  • SincPacC3D 2013-2016 v3.14.5774, October 23, 2015
    • Corrected a number of user reported issues. Modified some user interfaces.
    • Added CompareAlignments command
    • Added AddCrossingPIFl command
  • SincPacC3D 2013-2016 v3.13.5713, August 23, 2015
    • Corrected a number of user reported issues. Modified some user interfaces.
    • Added AddLabels command
    • Added PtLocate command
  • SincPacC3D 2013-2016 v3.12.5639, June 10, 2015
    • Fixes
    • DisplayProf: Exception thrown when profile outside limits of alignment.
    • DisplayProf, Create Points: Descriptions not added to left side points
    • ToggleSurfaceDisplay, not resetting when in Model view
    • DisplayPoints: If any UDP's are in the drawing, they are displayed in the wrong order and do not match the point values.
    • PerpCheck: Throws Unhandled exception, fails to work correctly when AutoCAD angular units direction is not the default of East and counterclockwise
    • Hash Parcels: Multiple issues preventing it from working as expected
    • CreatePads/CreateCurbs: Unhandled exception when no valid surfaces in drawing.
    • New Utilities
    • FreeSurveyPoints
    • ExportSurveyPoints
    • ProfViewGripsToggle
    • MirrorFeatureline
    • DynamicLink SewerLaterals: Added option to hold minumum slope OR minimum cover
  • SincPacC3D 2013-2016 v3.11.5578, April 10, 2015
    • Corrected additional issues some users reported based on the STARTUP variable setting.
    • Added support for C3D2016.
    • Corrected point description output using StakeFeature command.
    • Added ExportUDPs command and new option to force 2d perpendicular object snap.
  • SincPacC3D 2013-2015 v3.10.5538, March 1, 2015
    • Corrected issues some users reported based on the STARTUP variable setting. Fixed DisplayPoints Quicksets to work properly when UDP's are in use. Revised method of calculations for PipeCoverReport.
  • SincPacC3D 2013-2015 v3.10.5530, February 22, 2015
    • Corrected a number of user reported issues. Modified some user interfaces, added command EditLayer.
  • SincPacC3D 2013-2015 v3.9.5503, January 25, 2015
    • Corrected a number of user reported issues. Modified some user interfaces, added commands SPExtractTINFaces and DLStructureDepth.
  • SincPacC3D 2013-2015 v3.8.5363, September 7, 2014
    • Corrected a number of user reported issues.
    • Modified some user interfaces
    • Added commands ReorderPt and ClearRegionTargets.
  • SincPacC3D 2013-2015 v3.7.5297, July 3, 2014
    • Corrected a number of user reported issues.
    • Modified 3-Line Profiles user interface
    • Added commands SurfaceDisplay Toggle, CreateAlignmentsFromPolylines, Profile Stationing and PipeProfiles.
  • SincPacC3D 2012 v2.27.5297, July 3, 2014
    • Corrected minor user reported issues. Modified 3-Line Profiles user interface.
  • SincPacC3D 2013-2015 v3.6.5210, April 12, 2014
    • Corrected a number of user reported issues. Added support for C3D 2015.
  • SincPacC3D 2012 v2.26.5210, April 12, 2014
    • Corrected minor user reported issues.
  • SincPacC3D 2013-2014 v3.5.5161, February 17, 2014
    • Corrected a number of user reported issues. Added new command "SPPIPECOVERREPORT", for creating a DataGridView and optional Table showing the cover or depth of Pipes from the associated surface.
  • SincPacC3D 2012 v2.25.5161, February 17, 2014
    • Corrected minor user reported issues.
  • SincPacC3D 2013-2014 v3.4.5126, January 13, 2014
    • Corrected a number of user reported issues. Added new command "SPADJUSTPIPESLOPES", for setting a constant slope on connected pipes, and "PTAVERAGE", for setting a CogoPoint at the average location of selected points.
  • SincPacC3D 2013-2014 v3.3.5076, November 26, 2013
    • Corrected user reported issues. Added new command "PGDISPLAYMANAGER" to save and restore Point Group Display order states.
  • SincPacC3D 2011 v2.24.5076, November 26, 2013 - SincPacC3D 2012 v2.24.5076, November 26, 2013
    • Corrected minor user reported issues.
  • SincPacC3D 2013-2014 v3.2.5027, October 7, 2013
    • Corrected issue with Dynamic Sewer Lateral Linking. Added ability to place Note Labels on the layer defined by the label style.
  • SincPacC3D 2010-2012 v2.24.5027, October 7, 2013
    • Corrected issue with Dynamic Sewer Lateral Linking. Added ability to place Note Labels on the layer defined by the label style.
  • SincPacC3D 2013-2014 v3.2.5013, September 22, 2013
    • Customer reported issues corrected. Added 3 new commands: PGQuickAdd, RemoveBreaklineFromSurface, ElevateFeaturelinesFromText
  • SincPacC3D 2010-2012 v2.24.5013, September 22, 2013
    • Minor bug fixes, customer requested enhancements to a number of commands and UI tweaks. No new commands this version.
  • SincPacC3D 2013-2014 v3.1.4978, August 18, 2013
    • Customer reported issues with v3.1.4970 correted.
  • SincPacC3D 2013-2014 v3.1.4970, August 10, 2013
    • Minor bug fixes, customer requested enhancements to a number of commands and UI tweaks. No new commands this version.
  • SincPacC3D 2010-2012 v2.24.4970, August 10, 2013
    • Minor bug fixes, customer requested enhancements to a number of commands and UI tweaks. No new commands this version.
  • SincPacC3D 2013-2014 v3.0.4873, May 5, 2013
  • First release of our new Version 3 which is based mostly on the .NET API's. Beginning with this release we have implemented Autodesk's Autoloader, making it a "one download for all" solution (Only for 2013 and later). No more trying to find the correct download!
  • SincPacC3D 2010-2012 v2.23.4873, May 5, 2013
    • Minor bug fixes, enhancements to a number of commands and UI tweaks.
  • SincPacC3D 2010-2013 v2.22.4803, February 24, 2013
  • SincPacC3D 2009-2013 v2.21.4559, June 26, 2012
  • SincPacC3D 2009-2012 v2.20.4453, March 11, 2012
  • SincPacC3D 2009-2012 v2.19.4407, January 25, 2012
  • SincPacC3D 2009-2012 v2.19.4356, December 5, 2011
  • SincPacC3D 2009-2012 v2.19.4347, November 26, 2011
  • SincPacC3D 2009-2012 v2.18.4260, August 31, 2011
    • When editing existing coordinate system links in DLCoordConvert, the edit form would start with incorrect values.
    • Fix issue in "Check for Updates" that would cause a hang when downloading a new version.
    • Limit precision in display of slope values (to prevent things like "1.000000001:1").
  • SincPacC3D 2011-2012 v2.18.4255, August 26, 2011
    • Fix unhandled exception error in LegendBuilder (2012 version only).
    • Fix "Print to Printer" option in various commands (64-bit versions only).
  • SincPacC3D 2009-2012 v2.18.4244, August 15, 2011
  • SincPacC3D 2009-2012 v2.17.4180, June 12, 2011
    • Fix several issues with Extract2d.
    • Fix issue with LotFit, where list would not refresh when the Site was changed.
    • Fix incorrect display of Lat and Long when ANGBASE and ANGDIR are changed from default values.
  • SincPacC3D 2009-2012 v2.17.4130, April 23, 2011
    • Fix issue with LegendBuilder, which would fail on Cogo Points with no Point or Point Label Styles assigned.
    • Add sample Abbreviations file for LegendBuilder command.
    • Update CUI/CUIX files.
  • SincPacC3D 2009-2012 v2.17.4127, April 20, 2011
    • Release 2012 version; retire 2008 version.
    • Add CivilStyleProperties, DLCoordConvert, and LegendBuilder commands.
    • Add option to export Styles to a blank drawing to ExportStyles command.
    • Add Linetype Generation option to Extract2d.
    • Add additional output to EntityTracker.
    • Fix issue with DLProfiles, where linked PVIs would sometimes jump to an adjacent PVI.
    • Fix issue with Search field in the "Big Red C" in 2010 and 2011 versions.
    • Additional bug fixes and improvements.
  • SincPacC3D 2008-2011 v2.16.4004, December 18, 2010
    • Add progress bar to Update Download.
    • Change DisplayAlignProf so that additional stations are saved for each individual Alignment, and add ability to read/write additional stations to/from other Alignments or a file.
    • Change DisplayAlignProf so that Station Sorting can be disabled by entering Station Interval = 0, and fix issue where grid view would fail to update correctly after applying a Datum Adjustment to Cogo Points.
    • Fix issue in DisplayAlignProf where "Generate Cogo Points" would fail to generate Cogo Points (2011 version only).
  • SincPacC3D 2008-2011 v2.16.3990, December 5, 2010
  • SincPacC3D 2008-2011 v2.15.3948, October 23, 2010
  • SincPacC3D 2008-2011 v2.14.3928, October 3, 2010
    • Add "Create Selection Set from Selected Rows" button to DisplayPoints command.
    • Add auto-send functionality to SPRegister.
    • Add ability to check for updates.
    • Fix issue that could cause an unhandled exception in DLPoints command when no Alignments were present in the drawing.
    • Fix issue that could cause an unhandled exception in CreatePads command.
    • Fix unknown function call exception in PLAlign command (32-bit C3D 2011 only).
    • Temporarily disable CreatePads command, due to unknown function call exception (32-bit C3D 2011 only).
  • SincPacC3D 2008-2011 v2.14.3905, September 10, 2010
    • Add ability to select a master item from a list to DLPoints command.
    • Fix issue that could cause DLPoints command to crash when master objects have been erased.
    • Add CreatePads command to the Ribbon.
    • Fix improper behavior with SPRibbonTabCount command that could cause Civil 3D to crash on startup (2010 and 2011 versions only).
  • SincPacC3D 2008-2011 v2.14.3893, August 30, 2010
  • SincPacC3D 2008-2011 v2.13.3820, June 17, 2010
    • Add "Station Snap" functionality to DisplayPoints command.
    • Alter ExportKML command so that it creates a KMZ file, and can include local images in the KMZ file, with no need to use a public web server to host the graphics.
    • Disable formatting in EntityTracker, in order to avoid triggering segmentation fault bug in Civil 3D.
  • SincPacC3D 2008-2011 v2.13.3803, May 31, 2010
    • Fix bug that could throw an unhandled exception in DisplayPoints command in 2011 version.
    • Minor enhancements to functionality of EntityTracker.
  • SincPacC3D 2008-2011 v2.13.3794, May 22, 2010
    • Temporarily disable Customer Involvement Program.
  • SincPacC3D 2008-2011 v2.13.3784, May 12, 2010
    • Fix issue that would cause "Select by Point Group" to fail in RotatePoints command.
    • Fix issue where Style Manager could remain available when no drawings where open.
  • SincPacC3D 2008-2011 v2.13.3781, May 9, 2010
    • Add "POints" keyword to PtProrate command.
    • Fix problem with CompareCivilStyles, where comparing to another open drawing would instead compare the drawing to itself.
    • Fix problem with ExportKML, where "Browse" for Mapping File Name could throw an exception.
    • Fix problem with number formatting that could affect some commands, such as offsets in descriptions for StakeFeatures.
  • SincPacC3D 2011 v2.13.3773, May 1, 2010
    • Fix problem with Alignment creation commands on 64-bit version.
  • SincPacC3D 2008-2011 v2.13.3770, April 28, 2010
    • Update CUI and CUIX files.
    • Fix potential unhandled exception in DisplayAlignProf command, along with issue that could create strange behavior if the command was initiated while objects were selected.
  • SincPacC3D 2008-2011 v2.13.3769, April 27, 2010
    • Add support for Civil 3D 2011 (both 64-bit and 32-bit).
    • Add PurgeCivilStyles and PtProrate commands.
    • Add ability to select linework in Blocks and XREFs to LotFit command.
    • Add ability to search and replace in Style Descriptions to RenameCivilStyles command.
    • Modify RotationMatch and FlipObjects so that Blocks and similar items rotate around their insertion points.
    • Fix issue that prevented "F1" from invoking Help in Ribbon unless the CHM file was located in the Civil 3D install directory.  It should now work, as long as the CHM file is not in a directory where access is prevented due to Windows privileges.
  • SP2008, SP2009, SP2010 v2.12.3748, April 6, 2010
  • SP2008, SP2009, SP2010 v2.11.3716, March 5, 2010
    • Fix issue that could cause an exception to be thrown by LotCorners dialog box.
    • Modify "Add to Point Group" combo box, so that it is disabled if there are no Point Groups in the drawing.
  • SP2008, SP2009, SP2010 v2.11.3712, March 1, 2010
  • SP2008, SP2009, SP2010 v2.11.3692, February 10, 2010
    • Fix build error in v2.11.3680 release that threw an exception in some commands and dialogs. (2010 version only)
    • Fix incorrect message in Extract2d command, displayed when switching Modes.
    • Combine Civil and Civil 3D installers into a single installer package that works for both products.
  • SP2010 v2.11.3680, January 29, 2010
  • SP2008, SP2009, SP2010 v2.11.3647, December 26, 2009
    • Add Ribbon interface. (2010 version only)
    • Add ability to zoom to Cogo Points by keying in the Point Name to the ZoomPt command.
    • Collapse initial display of tree view for ImportCivilStyles and ExportCivilStyles commands. (2010 version only)
    • Fix issue with auto-installer version, which could cause Civil 3D libraries to be force-loaded when the Sincpac-C3D was installed (using the automatic installer) and Civil 3D was started "As Autocad".  The loading of the Sincpac-C3D is now completely supressed when using "Civil 3D as Autocad".
    • Fix erroneous CreateAlignProf command in the CUI (it was calling the nonexistent command "CreateAlignProfile").
  • SP2008, SP2009, SP2010 v2.11.3628, December 7, 2009
    • Add ability to select Overwrite, Skip, or Rename to Style Transfer dialog in ImportCivilStyles and ExportCivilStyles commands. (2010 version only)
    • Fix "My Favorite" and "Drawing Favorite" options for ImportCivilStyles and ExportCivilStyles commands (both options erroneously used the QNew template instead of the selected Favorite). (2010 version only)
    • Fix background shading in DisplayPoints command, which would occasionally display rows with shaded backgrounds when they should have white backgrounds.
  • SP2008, SP2009, SP2010 v2.11.3620, November 29, 2009
  • SP2008, SP2009, SP2010 v2.10.3615, November 25, 2009
    • Fix module definition (MarkerExtract command was erroneously placed in the Drafting Module, instead of the Points Module).
  • SP2008, SP2009, SP2010 v2.10.3610, November 19, 2009
  • SP2009, SP2010 v2.9.3589, October 31, 2009
    • Release self-installing version that works with Autodesk Civil 2009 and 2010.
  • SP2008, SP2009, SP2010 v2.9.3589, October 29, 2009
    • Add CPProps, PGUpdateAll, PGUpdateEnabled and PGUpdateOnEdit commands, along with Point Group Auto-Update functionality.
    • Add Datum, Offset, and Station Adjustment options to right-click menu in DisplayPoints command.
    • Modify DisplayPoints command so that it remembers selected points between invocations.
    • Modify behavior of NextPt command, so that if specified point number exists, the default value changes to the next-highest available number.  It is also now possible to call up the list of free or used point numbers while running this command.
    • Alter "Select Point Groups" dialog box, so that when a new Point Group is created, it is automatically selected in the list.
    • Modify format of Drawing Logging functionality.
    • Modifications to activation and licensing system, to eliminate problems with some configurations.
    • Windows 7 testing.
  • SP2008, SP2009, SP2010 v2.8.3502, August 4, 2009
    • Add ability to select a Cogo Point instead of a Master Object when creating new Dynamic Point Links.  The initial settings for the new links are copied from the selected Cogo Point.
    • Add ability to select Profile from list to MOVEPROF command.
    • Fix issue with "Print to File" in DisplayPoints, where the Profile Cut/Fill option would be enabled/disabled inappropriately.
    • Fix issue with "Generate Points" option in DisplayAlignProf, where elevations of generated points would not be set correctly when taken from the Surface.
    • Fix issue with CREATEALIGNPROF, where a Profile would be created even if it was not selected.
    • Remove some out-of-date items from LABLAY command dialog.  These items are duplicates of items in the OPTIONS tab, and aren't necessary here.
  • SP2008, SP2009, SP2010 v2.8.3489, July 21, 2009
    • Enhance STRETCHPROF and MOVEPROF commands with additional features, and workaround issue that prevented PVIs from being moved beyond the ends of the Alignment.
    • Fix issue where Dynamic Links could be "forgotten" when drawings were closed. This problem could be caused by linking Cogo Points to an entity such as an Alignment, then deleting one of the linked points. Any new links added to the Alignment would be forgotten when the drawing was closed and reopened.
    • Add column headers to output for "Print to File" options in DisplayAlignProf and DisplayPoints.
    • Fix "Print to File" in DisplayAlignProf so that only visible/selected columns are dumped to the file.
  • SP2008, SP2009, SP2010 v2.8.3472, July 4, 2009
    • Add Drawing Logging feature (controlled via the OPTIONS tab).
    • Fix issue where current setting of DLEnabled would not be remembered when drawing was closed.
    • Fix issue with "Print to File" in DisplayAlignProf that would cause a crash.
  • SP2008, SP2009, SP2010 v2.8.3460, June 22, 2009
    • Fix issue with Dynamic Point Links, where points would update incorrectly in certain conditions when attached to the nearest horizontal geometry point.
  • SP2008, SP2009, SP2010 v2.8.3458, June 21, 2009
    • Enhance Dynamic Point Links, adding options for placing "master" object elevation and a Cut/Fill into UDP's (not available in 2008 version).
    • Add options for locking Cogo Points to Alignment and Profile geometry points.
    • Add Alignment and Profile names as options when modifying Cogo Point Descriptions via Dynamic Point Links.
    • Add DLRefreshALL and DLRefreshITEMS commands.
    • Add option to display logging messages when updating Dynamic Links, and option to suppress updating of Dynamic Links while loading drawings (OPTIONS tab).
    • Performance improvements for Dynamic Link updates.
    • Add ability to StakeFeatures to set offset points along items in XREFs.
  • SP2009 v2.7.3434, May 27, 2009
    • Fix incorrectly-built module.
  • SP2008, SP2009, SP2010 v2.7.3432, May 26, 2009
    • Add 'RD transparent command.
    • Add "Zoom To" option to right-click in DisplayPoints and DisplayAlignProf commands.
    • Fix bug that would cause some commands to fail when selecting items on locked layers.
    • Fix bug in Extract2d command that would cause "ghost" XREFs to attach themselves to the current drawing when using the "XREF" option, and when the source XREF had XREFs attached.
  • SP2008, SP2009, SP2010 v2.7.3417, May 10, 2009
    • Add ability to adjust station interval at Station Equations to DisplayAlignProf command.
    • Keep grid from resetting to the first row when changing settings in DisplayPoints and DisplayAlignProf.
    • Add additional Object Layer settings to ObLaRead and ObLaWrite commands (2010 version only).
    • Fix layer-related bug in 2010 version, which would cause unhandled exceptions to be thrown in some commands.
    • Fix bug in 2010 version that would cause non-annotative MLEADERs to be scaled improperly in MarkerExtract command.
  • SP2008, SP2009, SP2010 v2.7.3411, May 5, 2009
    • Initial 2010 version.
    • Introduce Linking, Reporting, and Toolpac modules, which may now be purchased either individually or together.
    • Add "Name" option to SPLAYOFF, SPLAYFRZ, and SPLAYISO commands.
  • SP2008 & SP2009 v2.6.3396, April 19, 2009
    • Enhance DisplayAlignProf, adding ability to draw perpendicular lines along alignments.  Also add ability to generate Cogo Points along alignments wherever station lines intersect other linework, such as 3D Polylines.
    • Add Surface and Profile Cut/Fill values to "Print to File" in DisplayPoints.
    • Fix unhandled exception when user says to overwrite file, but file was in use, during "Print to File" operations.
    • Fix SPLAYISO command, so that it correctly isolates individual layers in XREFs when using the "Nested" option.
  • SP2008 & SP2009 v2.6.3362, March 16, 2009
    • Fix issue with DisplayPoints that would cause a crash the next time the command was run if "Invert Cuts and Fills" was left checked.
    • Fix issue with DisplayPoints where right-clicking in a blank area of the grid would cause an unhandled exception error.
    • Fix issue where not all Data Grid View rows would be unhidden when recalling settings from Quicksets.
  • SP2008 & SP2009 v2.6.3361, March 15, 2009
    • Fix background shading for rows in DisplayAlignProf command, so that Cut/Fill shading prints correctly to the printer.
    • Fix issue that would cause various commands to crash if no Surfaces existed in the drawing.
    • Fix issue that could sometimes cause points to be generated with Elev = -Infinity instead of Elev = "No Elevation" during Cogo Point Generation in DisplayAlignProf command.
  • SP2008 & SP2009 v2.6.3360, March 14, 2009
    • Add background shading to rows in DisplayPoints command.
    • Add Cut/Fill columns to DisplayPoints  and DisplayAlignProf commands.
    • Add Curve Options and "Generate Cogo Points" feature to DisplayAlignProf command.
    • Adjust page number placement for "Print to Printer" in DisplayPoints and DisplayAlignProf commands.
    • Increase capabilities of FlattenObjects command, so it works on more entities.
    • Add ability to flatten MLeaders to Z=0 as they are created, with toggle in OPTIONS tab.  (Useful when using True Type Fonts, since TTFs that are not at Z=0 do not print correctly.)
    • Fix issue with Parking command, where command exhibited incorrect behavior with a certain combination of settings.
  • SP2008 & SP2009 v2.6.3342, February 25, 2009
  • SP2008 & SP2009 v2.5.3322, February 5, 2009
    • Fix issues with Extract2d command, which would fail to extract some items.
    • Fix activation issue.
  • SP2008 & SP2009 v2.5.3321, February 4, 2009
    • Add filter settings to Extract2d command, and expand capabilites to include more types of source entities.
    • Add ability to control the precision of the PTINV and PTANG commands, via settings in the OPTIONS Tab.
    • Add precision and angle format settings to CurveSolver.
  • SP2008 & SP2009 v2.5.3307, January 20, 2009
  • SP2008 & SP2009 v2.4.3270, December 14, 2008
    • Enhance the PTINV command, adding Single, Continuous, and Multiple modes, ability to keep running totals for multiple measurements, and ability to key in a Cogo Point Number instead of picking a point on-screen.
  • SP2008 & SP2009 v2.4.3263, December 8, 2008
    • Change workflow of PTINV command, and fix incorrect command name in the Command Summary listing in the Help.
    • Add ability to reverse the direction of Polylines to the FlipObjects command.
    • Add locked layer detection to commands that create Alignments and Profiles.
  • SP2008 & SP2009 v2.4.3257, December 1, 2008
    • Add SPLAYMCH (Layer Match) command.
    • Add ability to isolate Alignments and Surfaces to the SPLAYISO command.  When isolating an alignment or surface with this command, the layers containing the alignment and surface labels also remain on, in addition to all layers required to display the surface or alignment itself (although this feature works better in the 2009 version than in the 2008 version).
    • Add ability to enable/disable Dynamic Links from the dialog boxes for both DLProfiles and DLPoints commands.
    • Add improved curve midpoint handling and "Curve Midpoint" description tag to StakeFeatures command.
    • Fix bug that could cause "Siteless" to appear multiple times in the Site selection combo boxes.
    • Fix bug that could cause a crash when Profiles with Dynamic Links were deleted.
  • SP2008 & SP2009 v2.3.3238, November 12, 2008
    • Add RotateIndividual command.
    • Fix bug that caused copies of MTEXT and MLEADER entities to get background masks when auto-background-mask feature is enabled (also affected MTEXT and MLEADER entities during INSERT operations).
    • Change default setting for auto-background-mask, so that the feature defaults to OFF.
  • SP2009 v2.3.3235, November 9, 2008
    • Enhance Dynamic Point Links (DLPoints), so that Station and Offset can dynamically populate User Definded Properties (UDPs).
  • SP2008 & SP2009 v2.3.3234, November 8, 2008
    • Add special handling for standard polylines to CREATEALIGNPROF command, so that curves do not get lost during alignment creation.
    • Add ability to delete and rename Point Groups to PGBrowser command.
    • Add glyphs and tooltip notes to UI for some commands.
    • Fix issue where PT3D command would terminate suddenly while creating points off of the surface, when set to take elevations from surface (affected 2008 version only).
    • Change the MarkerExtract command to honor the "Use Fixed Scale" option in the Point Style (if used), along with the Cogo Point's XY and Z scale factors, when extracting Point Markers.
  • SP2008 & SP2009 v2.2.3226, October 31, 2008
    • Add ability to edit Station String (with station equations applied) to DisplayPoints command.
    • Fix command parameter persistence in CHELEV command, so that it correctly remembers previously-used values.
  • SP2008 & SP2009 v2.2.3220, October 25, 2008
    • Add special handling for curves with small radii to StakeFeatures command.
    • Fix "Elevation" option in CHELEV command.
  • SP2008 & SP2009 v2.2.3215, October 20, 2008
    • Fix issue with DisplayPoints command, where "Hide Non-Adjacent" option would not always hide points that were not adjacent to the Alignment.
    • Add "Override" checkboxes to the Point Group Creation dialog.
  • SP2008 & SP2009 v2.2.3213, October 18, 2008
    • Add "Add New PVI" button to DLProfiles command.
    • Enhance DisplayPoints command, adding control for the offset display format, as well as ability to display Grid Northing/Grid Easting/Latitude/Longitude.  Also, fix row selection issue, so that rows may now be selected by selecting partial rows or single cells, instead of the entire row.
  • SP2008 & SP2009 v2.2.3208, October 13, 2008
    • Fix issue with the default "Drawing1.dwg" that could cause a crash as it was closed.
  • SP2008 & SP2009 v2.2.3208, October 13, 2008
    • Add "Lock to Station/Offset" and "Use Grading Point for Description" options to Dynamic Point Links (DLPoints).
    • Add RotateAligned command.
    • Fix RotationMatch command, so that it rotates to match objects inside of XREFs, instead of matching the rotation of the overall XREF.
    • Fix issue that could cause Civil-3D to crash when importing DGN files.
    • Change Grading Settings panel (used for SGRD, SGOBJECT, and PT2FEATURE commands) so that settings reset when the drawing is closed.
  • SP2008 & SP2009 v2.1.3199, October 4, 2008
    • Add "Link PVI to PVI" option to Profile Links (DLProfiles).
    • Add "Description Template" option to Point Links (DLPoints).
    • Add additional command-line options to StakeFeatures command.
  • SP2008 & SP2009 v2.0.3194, September 30, 2008
    • Partially fix "Jumping Link" problem that cropped up when a PVI that had an active dynamic link was deleted from the drawing.  (Dynamic link may still jump to an adjacent PVI, but not if adjacent PVI already has a dynamic link.)
    • Add DLRefresh command.
    • Improve MarkerExtract text extraction features, adding ability to extract the data displayed in the Point Label, or use a flexible template to specify the data to extract.
    • Expand StakeFeatures command to work on Alignments.
  • SP2008 & SP2009 v2.0.3193, September 28, 2008
    • Initial release of Version 2.
    • Add Dynamic Link functionality (DLPoints and DLProfiles)
    • Expand the automatic DView TWist alignment functionality to include the standard Dimension commands, in addition to the MTEXT and MLEADER commands.  When this option is enabled (via LABLAY or SPSETTINGS), Dimensions are automatically aligned to the current DView TWist as they are created.